G and H invited us on a daytrip to Fondation Beyeler in Basel, so, of course, we happily joined them on Saturday. On the way to Fondation Beyeler, right after we crossed the border between France and Germany (yes, we're going to Basel (Switzerland), but we went through Germany), we came across a very interesting looking building and decided to visit there on the way back home. This building is called 'VitraHaus' and is a part of Vitra Design Campus.

Unfortunately, they closes at 6:00pm (and we arrived at 5:45pm).
So we had no choice but visiting 'Vitra Design Museum Shop' only.

Around this building (VitraHaus), there're other 'Vitra Design Campus' buildings as well.
They all look different and interesting.

This is Vitra Design Museum Shop.

I really wish we can visit here again so we can go inside as well.